Explain how mammalian bodies regulate glucose and protein levels in their blood


Explain how mammalian bodies regulate glucose and protein levels in their blood



When glucose level is high (above 90mg/100cm3), the brain sends impulses to the (β cells
of islets of Langerhans) pancrease cells; to release insulin hormone; the hormone stimulates
liver cells to convert the excess glucose into glycogen and fats for storage in the liver and
muscle cells; increases the oxidation of glucose in respiration to yield water energy and carbon
(IV) oxide/increases metabolism in the body; this leads to a fall in blood glucose to normal level;

However, when the glucose level falls below normal (below 90mg/100cm3); the brain sends
impulses to the (α cells of the islets of Langerhans) pancrease cells; which are stimulated
to release glucagon hormone; the hormone stimulates liver cells to convert the stored glycogen
and fats back to glucose; stimulates the conversion of amino acids to glucose; and stops the
oxidation of glucose in the body cells to avail more glucose; the glucose formed is released to
the bloodstream causing a rise of blood glucose level to normal;

The level of plasma proteins such as prothrombin, globulins, albumins and fibrinogen; which
play a major role in osmoregulation and blood clotting; are controlled by the liver; which
manufactures them using the amino acids found in the liver; when their levels reduce,more is
produced; but when the level is high, less of the proteins is produced in the liver; excess amino
acids are deaminated; as the body is not able to store them; the process involves removal of an
amino group from an amino acid molecule; the amino group enters the ornithine cycle; where
it is combined with carbon (IV) oxide to form urea; which is excreted in urine through the
Kavungya answered the question on May 13, 2021 at 13:15

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