Discuss three examples of natural selection in action


Discuss three examples of natural selection in action



Melanic forms of peppered moths ; in Europe, there are two forms of peppered moths; white and
black; before industrialization, the tree trunks were white; therefore the white peppered moths
were white; hence were camouflaged; the black varieties were easily noticed and fed upon by
predatory birds; the white form therefore reproduced and increased in number; during
industrialization, the smoke from industries coated tree trunks black; the black variety became
camouflaged; reproduced and increased in population; the white variety were easily noticed
and fed upon by predators; they reduced in population;

Resistance against drugs and antibiotics ; where microorganisms are continually exposed to a
certain drug; their cells synthesise specific proteins; which counter the drug; this ability to
synthesize the protein is passed onto the offspring;

Resistance to pesticides by insects ; insects such as mosquitoes when continually exposed to a
particular pesticide; synthesize a specific protein which make them resistant to the pesticide;
this is then inherited by their offspring;
Kavungya answered the question on May 13, 2021 at 13:44

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