What were the causes of the struggle for independence in Ghana?


Discuss the causes of the struggle for independence in Ghana.



1. CPP won making Nkurumah the first Prime Minister and later the President of Ghana

2. In 1956, all political parties participated in a conference leading to elections in 1957

3. In 1954, NLM was formed to agitate for federal government as opposed to CPP’s unitary government

4. In 1946, northern tribes of Ghana formed a council of chiefs to agitate for the rights of the northern people

5. From 1945, trade unionists and leading African elites started to demand for improved working terms and participation in authority

6. In 1947, UGCC was formed

7. The UGCC had a moderate approach

8. Nkurumah formed CPP that demanded for self government and independence

johnmulu answered the question on February 1, 2017 at 13:28

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