Discuss three branches of psychology


Discuss three branches of psychology



Structuralism is a branch of psychology that contributed to cognitive psychology. Structuralism Wilhem Wundt (1832-1920) established the first psychological laboratory with the goal of studying the mind scientifically. Wundt used structuralism. Structuralism proposes that our overall experience e.g. Experiencing a happy moment is based on combining basic elements of sensation. According to structuralism, elements could likely be; a) sensation ( the basic sensory dimensions that encode from the stimuli b) feelings (emotions aroused by stimulus), and images (purely mental representations that would seem sensory in nature). Wundt wanted to understand the basic elements of the mind that combine to provide an overall experience. He sought to use the introspection technique in which participants would describe their experiences and thought processes in response to the stimuli. Introspection is a procedure that requires participants to provide a rigorous unbiased report of every element of conscious experience that accompanies the presentation of some stimulus.

Functionalism: The Function of Mental Experiences
The functionalist approach emerged as a critique of structuralism. William James (1842-1910) and others were highly critical of structuralism and argued for the focus to be on understanding the function of the mind. So while structuralists would attempt to determine the basic images, feelings, and sensations that comprise conscious experiences of being angry, the factionists would study the emotion such as anger by trying to determine the purpose or function of being angry. Given its emphasis on mental processing rather than structure, functionalism had more influence on cognitive psychology

Another group that contributed to the development of psychology was the behaviorists. Behavioral psychologists like psychologist John B. Watson (1878-1958) suggest a shifted from consciousness to Observarable and measurable behavior. Accordingly, the behaviorist psychologist should dedicate itself to discovering the connection between the stimulus and the response.
Chatelaine answered the question on June 16, 2021 at 10:58

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