Outline the strengths and weaknesses of both longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys


Outline the strengths and weaknesses of both longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys



The strengths of the survey include:
? Gathers data on one shot-basis, hence its is economical
? Generation of numerical data
? Provides descriptive data,
? Gathers standardized information
? The findings could be generalized to a larger population
? Presents data that can be used to develop hypothesis for testing
The weakness include
? Results are descriptive in nature so cannot be used for inferences
? Cannot be used to study psychological constructs in a controlled environment
? Limited in collecting in-depth information

Chatelaine answered the question on June 16, 2021 at 12:10

Next: Explain longitudinal and cross-sectional survey
Previous: Mention some of the ethical considerations that will protect your participants and you as a researcher.

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