Describe an overview of the nervous system in relation to our day-to-day activities.


Describe an overview of the nervous system in relation to our day-to-day activities.



The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body. Its activities can be grouped together as three general, overlapping functions:
o Sensory
o Integrative
o Motor
Millions of sensory receptors detect changes, called stimuli, which occur inside and outside the body. Sensory input is converted into electrical signals called nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain. There the signals are brought together to create sensations, to produce thoughts, or to add to memory. Decisions are made each moment based on the sensory input. This is integration.
Based on the sensory input and integration, the nervous system responds by sending signals to muscles, causing them to contract, or to glands, causing them to produce secretions. Muscles and glands are called effectors because they cause an effect in response to directions from the nervous system. This is the motor output or motor function.

Chatelaine answered the question on June 16, 2021 at 12:24

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