Mention and explain types of dyslexia


Mention and explain types of dyslexia



Surface dyslexia
v People with surface dyslexia must rely almost completely on indirect access (phonological) route to word recognition on “ sounding out words” as they encounter them
v As such they have difficult with words with irregular pronunciation. For example words like steak, break or bird
v However, some surface dyslexic can pronounce some irregular words correctly suggesting that phonological route is the only one used.
Phonological dyslexia
v Phonological dyslexia is quite unusual.
v They have selective inability to read pseudowords (fake words)
v They have little or no trouble with familiar words and both regular and irregular words
v Therefore, it seems that they have trouble indirect access route to word recognition
v Their inability to sound out pseudo words is indicative that they are unable to sound out words in general and must rely on direct access (nonphonological) route to word recognition.
v Phonological dyslexia provides evidence that there is direct route to word recognition
Deep dyslexia
v They exhibit some of the difficulties seen in phonological and surface dyslexia (reading some both words and non words)
v However, the most striking aspect is deficit in semantics (meaning of language)
v Deep dyslexic exhibit semantic errors in reading e.g. they may read daughter as sister
v They have an easier time reading words concrete and imaginable referents ( e.g. truck) than abstract words such as( love)
v In addition, function words like below, present a problem and will randomly substituted with another function like into
Psychological challenges
v Anxiety due to inability to meet social expectations
v Frustration and anger due to non achievement
v Poor self image due to constant failure
v Lack of self confidence
v Inferiority challenges
v Lack of positive self esteem
v Poor social skills
v Could lead to withdrawal
v School dropout is possible

Chatelaine answered the question on June 17, 2021 at 12:55

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