Explain in detail, inductive reasoning


Explain in detail, inductive reasoning



Inductive reasoning
The flip side of deductive reasoning is the inductive reasoning. Rather than working from general premise to arrive at specific conclusion we move from specific to general. Bisanzi, Bisanz and Korpan (1994) described some characteristics that seem to typify inductive reasoning

First the product of inductive reasoning (i.e general principle) is not necessarily correct. The validity of validity of a conclusion is inherent in the premise. Inductive arguments are evaluated in terms of their strengths rather than the validity

Secondly with inductive reasoning there is need for constraints on the conclusion reached. This would help check on confirmation bias that often influences our reasoning. Inductive reasoning is pervasive in some form it underlies just every day process (omnipresence of inductive reasoning) and is applied in problem solving. For example, most of problems we encounter are specific and we have to solve them inductively

Chatelaine answered the question on June 17, 2021 at 13:10

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