Describe how archival material is processed.


Describe how archival material is processed.



1. Accessioning
It’s a process of recording basic information about every record acquired in the National archive
This recording is done in accession register. The information recorded in the accession register is called the 1st level of control as far as archives are concerned.
It provides the physical and intellectual control of the archives such that the archivist is in a position to know the source of the records, dates it was acquired. Intellectual control refers to knowing the content of records received in archive.
The accession list should contain the following information;
I. The date when the records were received and owned by the archive.
II. The type of records.
III. Quantity i.e. the how many records they are. This is done in cubical linear feet according to the number of boxes.
IV. The formats of the record ie are they in book form or non book form (tapes, microforms, DVD).
V. Place of origin ie provenance, origin or source.
VI. Column of method of acquisition.
VII. Coverage ie the earliest and latest records.
VIII. A brief explanation of the content.
IX. Remarks column.
X. Signature.

2. Fumigation
It’s a cleanup process which exposes records received in an archive to gaseous chemical components with a view of killing any micro organism that may have accompanied the records eg termites, cockroaches, fungal infections, rats etc.
The process involves putting the records in a fumigation chamber over-night and later dried out. This makes them easier to work with.

3. Arrangement
This is the process of physically organizing records in accordance with accepted archival principles ie original order and provenance.

Titany answered the question on July 23, 2021 at 08:50

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