The computer specification has the following details: - Intel core i7-6500u (2.5Ghz) - 8GB RAM, 1TB Sata Drive (HDD) - 15.6” anti-glare display - Windows 10 - Full multimedia - 1...


The computer specification has the following details:
- Intel core i7-6500u (2.5Ghz)
- 8GB RAM, 1TB Sata Drive (HDD)
- 15.6” anti-glare display
- Windows 10
- Full multimedia
- 1 year warranty

(a) Explain the meaning of the above terms
i. Intel core i7-6500u (2.5Ghz):
ii. 8GB RAM, :
iii. 1TB Sata Drive (HDD):
iv. 15.6” anti-glare display:
v. Windows 10:
vi. 1 year warranty:

(b) List four multimedia components that the above computer may have.



i. Intel core i7-6500u (2.5Ghz):
The processor type and speed
ii. 8GB RAM, :
Memory capacity of the working memory
iii. 1TB Sata Drive (HDD):
Memory capacity of the hard disk
iv. 15.6” anti-glare display:
The size of the screen measured diagonally
v. Windows 10:
The operating system
vi. 1 year warranty:
The agreement between the buyer and seller that spells out terms and conditions of the computer system.

(b) List four multimedia components that the above computer may have.
- Speakers
- Sound card
- Screen
- DVD/CD drive
Kavungya answered the question on July 23, 2021 at 09:36

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