Describe the symptoms of alcoholism.


Describe the symptoms of alcoholism.



i) Alcohol tolerance - the person needs a large quantity of alcohol to feel intoxicated. However, when the liver is damaged and cannot metabolize the alcohol so well, this tolerance may drop. Damage to the central nervous system may also reduce tolerance levels.
ii) Withdrawal symptoms - when the person abstains from alcohol or cuts down he/she experiences tremors, insomnia, nausea or anxiety. Typically, the patient drinks more to avoid these symptoms.
iii) Beyond intentions - the person ends up drinking more alcohol, or drinks for a longer period than he/she intended.
iv) Unsuccessfully attempting to cut down - the person is continuously trying to cut down alcohol consumption, but does not succeed. Or the patient has a persistent desire to cut down.
v) Time consuming - the patient spends a lot of time obtaining, using or recovering from alcohol consumption.
vi) Withdrawal - the person withdraws from recreational, social, or occupational activities. This did not used to be the case.
vii) Persistence - the person carries on consuming alcohol even though he/she knows it is harming him/her physically and psychologically.

Titany answered the question on July 28, 2021 at 05:09

Next: Define alcohol abuse.
Previous: State the physical effects of alcoholism.

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