Describe nutritional rehabilitation approach for lifestyle diseases.


Describe nutritional rehabilitation approach for lifestyle diseases.



-Nutritional rehabilitation for lifestyle diseases entails use of a healthy diet to either prevent or cure lifestyle diseases. Healthy diet comprise of:
1. Carbohydrates
- Carbohydrates are converted into blood sugar in our bodies to provide energy for our cells, organs and tissues. Carbohydrates can be simple or complex in composition. Simple carbohydrates are derived from fruits, milk products and table sugar. Complex carbohydrates are derived from whole grain breads and cereals plus starchy vegetables and legumes.
2. Fats
- Fat is a significant source of energy. Fats give food flavor and help an individual to feel full. Fats can be derived from oils, dairy products, fish and nuts. There are some recommended healthy sources of fats and they include: corn, olive, soybean and sunflower oil.
3. Protein
- Protein exists in every living cell of our bodies. Protein found in food builds and repairs skin, muscles and bones. Protein can be obtained from nuts, dairy, meat and some beans and grains. We have complete proteins (meaning they supply all of the amino acids the body can't make on its own) and incomplete proteins (meaning they have to be combined to get all of the amino acids needed by the body). Proteins derived from meat and other animal products are complete proteins, while plant proteins are incomplete.
4. Vitamins
- We need 13 types of vitamins to grow and develop properly. Vitamins can be obtained from eating fresh fruits and vegetables or from vitamin supplement pills. Every type of vitamin helps with specific functions. E.g. Vitamin A improves vision, vitamin C maintains healthy skin and vitamin D keeps the bones and teeth strong.
5. Minerals
- We need minerals to build strong bones, create hormones and regulate our heartbeat. There are minerals and examples include: calcium, iron and iodine. Minerals help release the energy from food and improve brain functioning, which can help us to think more clearly and to make wiser decisions. Minerals are derived from fruits, vegetables and fish.
6. Fibre
- Fibre is found in plants. There are many firms of fibre: Dietary fibre is the part of a plant that our body is not able to digest. Soluble fibre is that which is able to dissolve in water while insoluble fibre can’t dissolve in water. Fibre helps prevent constipation and improves the rate at which our bodies eliminate food, because it cannot stay in the body as digested food material. Fiber also helps us to control our weight by making us feel full quicker. Fibre is derived from fresh fruit, whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and nuts.
7. Water
- Clean drinking water is an essential constituent of a healthy diet. The recommended amount of water is a minimum of 8 glasses per day. It’s important to however note that how much water a person requires depends on "their size, level of activity and the weather." People are encouraged to establish if water is safe before drinking it. Consumption of sufficient clean and safe water helps to prevent disease and maintain health.

Titany answered the question on July 28, 2021 at 07:08

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