i) Through the therapy, patients are helped to understand the rationale for changing behavior (WHY?). Patients are helped to respond to statements like….. “Why do you think I'm asking you to keep food records? Telling the patients “it is important” has been found to be ineffective in promoting adherence.
ii) Through the therapy, patients are helped to identify a goal and establish a specific plan (WHAT?). Patients are helped to select goal; the behavior they are expected to change is then described in concrete and specific terms: the patient is then helped to select a specific plan (e.g., limit eating to 250 calories between 7:00 and 11:00 PM or walk three times a week for 20 minutes after dinner on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday) rather than a general statements (e.g., eat less at night or exercise more). The more specific the goal is, the more the patients are likely to adhere to the program.
iii) Patients are assisted to identify facilitators and barriers to success (HOW?). To successfully implement the plan, patients are helped to reflect on the steps that will be essential in achievement of their goal (e.g., buying alternative foods to eat in the evening). They are further helped to identify steps that they need to implement in order to avoid or overcome potential barriers.
iv) Patients are assisted to make a written record of the plan and key implementation steps. The patient uses a chart to document the specific plan and the implementation modalities. At the next visit, the patient’s progress is then reviewed with the specific plan instead of asking generally, “How was it?” Was the change implemented or not? In case of successful implementation, the strategies used to achieve the success are established. If unsuccessful, the barriers and how they can be overcome in the future is established. Here the focus is on behavior change—or non-change-- and not on why things did not go as planned
Titany answered the question on July 28, 2021 at 07:22
- Describe the characteristics of behavioral therapy in rehabilitating lifestyle diseases.(Solved)
Describe the characteristics of behavioral therapy in rehabilitating lifestyle diseases.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- List the components of behavioral therapy in rehabilitating lifestyle diseases. (Solved)
List the components of behavioral therapy in rehabilitating lifestyle diseases.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Describe nutritional rehabilitation approach for lifestyle diseases.(Solved)
Describe nutritional rehabilitation approach for lifestyle diseases.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Describe the strategies of reducing lifestyle diseases.(Solved)
Describe the strategies of reducing lifestyle diseases.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- List the physical responses to stress.(Solved)
List the physical responses to stress.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- List the lifestyle causes of stress.(Solved)
List the lifestyle causes of stress.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between stress and stress response.(Solved)
Distinguish between stress and stress response.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Describe the strategies that can be put in place to manage anger.(Solved)
Describe the strategies that can be put in place to manage anger.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- State the negative effects of anger.(Solved)
State the negative effects of anger.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- State the physiological effects of hunger on the heart.(Solved)
State the physiological effects of hunger on the heart.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- What is anger?(Solved)
What is anger?
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- State the strategies that can be used to combat unhealthy sexual behavior.(Solved)
State the strategies that can be used to combat unhealthy sexual behavior.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Discuss the effects of unhealthy sexual behavior.(Solved)
Discuss the effects of unhealthy sexual behavior.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Define unhealthy sexual behavior.(Solved)
Define unhealthy sexual behavior.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Discuss the strategies of managing alcoholism.(Solved)
Discuss the strategies of managing alcoholism.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Discuss the risk factors of alcohol.(Solved)
Discuss the risk factors of alcohol.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Describe the social effects of alcoholism.(Solved)
Describe the social effects of alcoholism.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Describe the psychiatric effects of alcohol.(Solved)
Describe the psychiatric effects of alcohol.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- State the physical effects of alcoholism.(Solved)
State the physical effects of alcoholism.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)
- Describe the symptoms of alcoholism.(Solved)
Describe the symptoms of alcoholism.
Date posted: July 28, 2021. Answers (1)