What are the main criticisms of traditional educational planning?


What are the main criticisms of traditional educational planning?



- Too much focus on plan preparation and not enough on plan implementation It was assumed too
quickly that once a good plan had been prepared the implementation would follow almost
automatically. Hence very few mechanisms were set up for systematic monitoring of plan
implementations.. Furthermore, the fact that many plans were prepared by external technical
assistants) did not facilitate national ownership, without which implementation is likely to fail.
- Plans were being prepared in a top-down, technocratic way Most plans were prepared by the
planning units (and their technical assistants) with little or no involvement from the rest of the
ministry staff, not to mention staff at decentralized levels of management and civil society
partners. The consequence was again a severe lack of identification with (or even knowledge of)
the objectives of the plan and priority actions by those responsible for implementing it. Indeed,
while a plan can easily be prepared by a handful of technical experts, the responsibility for its
implementation involves, the entire ministry staff and requires the commitment of all.
- Not enough consideration was given to the changing environment Plans were being prepared
with the implicit assumption that the planners have all the information and techniques needed to
develop a complete, correct plan which can be executed from beginning to end. Many plans
simply ended up on the bookshelves of the Ministries, however, whenever they were
implemented, it was done in a rigid, mechanical way. Not enough flexibility was built in to adapt
to changing circumstances. This need for flexibility and continuous adaptation became
increasingly more obvious during the second half of the 1970s (after the first oil crisis) and
during the 1980s, when the overall economic environment became more unstable and
raphael answered the question on August 4, 2021 at 05:23

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