Advantages and disadvantages of social demand approach to educational planning


Advantages and disadvantages of social demand approach to educational planning



1. It is starting point of planning, all other approaches start with this approach.
2. It is suitable political tool to meet the needs of general public.
3. It is possible to provide education planner with appropriate number of the place where education facilities have to
be provided.
4. Where resources are acutely limited and where we are seeking to provide those kinds of education which will offer the greatest good to the greatest number such planning techniques are the best.

1. The approach has got no control over such factors as the price of education. It fails to collaborate on who should shoulder the costs of education.
2. The approach has no control over the absorptive capacity of the capacity of the economy for trained personnel hence leads to educated unemployed.
3. The approach does not in any way claim to whether the resources expended to education are economically allocated and that extent the approach is poor. The approach ignores the quality and quantity of man power required in an economy.
4. The approach does not take into account the concept of investment in man but much on consumption of
5. It is wrong assumption to say that salaries reflects productivity.
6. The earnings of workers are more influenced by economic variable than by productivity consideration,

raphael answered the question on August 4, 2021 at 05:49

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