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Discuss the constructivist theories of learning.


Discuss the constructivist theories of learning.



- Constructivist perspectives on learning and teaching are increasingly influential today.
These views are grounded in the research of Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, the Gestalt psychologists, Fredric Bartlett, and Bruner as well as the Progressive educational philosophy of Dewey.

- There are constructivist approaches in science and mathematics education, in educational psychology and anthropology, and in computer-based education.
Some constructivist views emphasize the shared, social construction of knowledge; others see social forces as less important.

- Constructivism is a broad term used by philosophers, curriculum designers, psychologists, educators and others. Are concerned with how individuals construct internal representations (propositions images, concepts, schemas that can be remembered and retrieved. The outside world is seen as a source of input but once the sensations are perceived and enter working memory the important work is assumed to be happening inside the head of the individual.

- There is no one constructive theory of learning, but most constructive theories agree on two central ideas.
Central idea 1: learners are active in constructing their own knowledge.
Central idea 2: social interactions are important in this knowledge construction process.

Lellah answered the question on August 5, 2021 at 06:17

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