• Provide Social negotiation and shared responsibility as a part of learning
• Support multiple perspectives and use multiple representations of content
• Nurture self-awareness and an Understanding that knowledge is constructed
• Encourage ownership in learning. (driscoll, 2005; marshal, 1992):Student-centered instruction
• Embed learning in complex, realistic, challenging learning environments and authentic tasks
Lellah answered the question on August 5, 2021 at 06:22
- Discuss the constructivist theories of learning.(Solved)
Discuss the constructivist theories of learning.
Date posted: August 5, 2021. Answers (1)
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Discuss the contents of long term memory in psychology?
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what is long term memory in psychology?
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What are the two types of rehearsal in psychology?
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Explain the three elements of the working memory in the brain.
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Briefly explain types of intermittent schedules of reinforcement
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What are the applications of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
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What are the two basic tendencies in thinking?
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Discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development
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State and explain the guidelines suggested by the research done on early brain development and school readiness.
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Discuss brain development in adolescence
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Distinguish between implicit memory and explicit memory
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What are sensitive periods in psychology?
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Describe plasticity in psychology?
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Describe brain lateralization
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Describe how a baby's brain grows
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Describe a newborns' brain
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- What are the factors that influence early brain development of a child?(Solved)
What are the factors that influence early brain development of a child?
Date posted: August 4, 2021. Answers (1)