Explain the four sources of self-efficacy expectations.


Explain the four sources of self-efficacy expectations.



• Mastery experiences are our own direct experiences, the most powerful source of efficacy information. Successes raise efficacy beliefs, while failures lower efficacy.

• Levels of arousal affect self-efficacy depending on how the arousal is interpreted. As you face the task are you anxious and worried (lowers efficacy) or excited and psyched (raises efficacy) bandura 1997 schunk, pintrich and meece 2008)?

• In vicarious experiences someone else models accomplishments. The more closely the student identifies with the model the greater the impact on self-efficacy will be.

• Social persuasion can be pep talk or performance feedback. Social persuasion alone can’t create enduring increase in self-efficacy, but a persuasive boost in self-efficacy can lead a student to make an effort, attempt new strategies or try hard enough to succeed ( bandura 1982).

Lellah answered the question on August 5, 2021 at 06:39

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