Discuss the five possible outcomes of observational learning.


Discuss the five possible outcomes of observational learning.



Directing attention; By observing others we not only learn about actions but also notice the objects involved in the actions. For example in a preschool class when one child plays enthusiastically with a toy that has been ignored for days many other children may want to have the toy even if they play with it in different ways or simply carry it around. This happens in part because the children’s attention has been drawn to that particular toy.

Fine tuning already learned behaviors. All of us have had the experience of looking for cues or other people when we find ourselves in unfamiliar situations. Observing the behavior of others tell us which of our already-learned behaviors to use; the proper fork for eating the salad, when to leave a gathering what kind of language is appropriate and so on. Adopting the dress and grooming styles of TV or music idols is another example of this kind of effect.

Strengthening or weakening inhibitions; if class members witness one student breaking a class rule and getting away with it ,they may learn that undesirable consequences do not always follow rule breaking.
If the rule breaker is a well-liked high status class leader the effect of the modeling may be even more pronounced. This ripple effect can work for the teachers benefit. When the teacher deals effectively with the rule breaker especially class leader the idea of breaking this rule may be inhibited for the other students viewing the interaction.

Teaching new behaviors. Modeling has long been used of course to teach dance, sports and crafts as well as skills in subjects such as food science, chemistry and welding. Modeling can also be applied deliberately in the classroom to teach mental skills and to broaden horizons, to teach new ways of thinking. Teachers serve as models for a vast range of behaviors, from pronouncing vocabulary words to reacting to seizure of a student with epilepsy to being enthusiastic about learning.
For example a teacher might sound critical thinking skills by thinking out loud about a student’s question. Or a high school teacher concerned about a girl who seems to have stereotyped ideas about careers might invite women with nontraditional job to speak to the class.

Arousing emotional. Finally through observational learning people may develop emotional reactions to situations they have never experienced personally such as flying or driving. A child who watches a friend fall from a swing and break an arm may become fearful of swings.

Lellah answered the question on August 5, 2021 at 06:51

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