It is appropriate for communicating a large amount of material to many students in a short period of time. The teacher can integrate information from many sources and give students a more complete understanding of a subject in less time than it would have taken the students themselves to integrate the information. Lecturing is a good method for introducing a new topic, giving background information and motivating students to learn more on their own. Lecturing also helps students learn to listen accurately and critically and gives the teacher a chance to make on-the-spot changes to help students understand when they are confused.
- Recitation and questioning
Teachers pose questions and students answer. The teachers questions generally follow sort of plan to develop a framework for the subjects matter involved. The students answers are often followed by reactions from the teacher such as statements of praise correction or request for further information.
- Group discussion
A teacher may pose questions, listen to student answers, react and probe for more information. Students ask questions answer each other’s questions and respond to each other’s answers. On the positive side the students are directly involved and have the chance to participate. Group discussion helps students learn to express themselves clearly ,to justify opinions and to tolerate different views. Group discussion also gives students a chance to ask for clarification and get more information. Can assume responsibility by sharing the leadership of the group with the teacher. Group discussions are appropriate for objectives like evaluation of ideas, development of tolerant attitudes and synthesis of personal viewpoints; discussions are also useful when students are trying to understand difficult concepts that go against common sense.
- Seatwork and homework
The assignments or seatwork and homework must be meaningful extensions of class lessons not just busywork. To benefit from seatwork or homework students must stay involved and do the work. The first step toward involvement is getting students started correctly by making sure they understand the assignment. It may help to do the first few questions as a class to clear up any misconceptions. This is especially important for homework assignments because students may have no one to consult if they have problems with the assignment.
- Inquiry methods
John dewey described the basic inquiry teaching format in 1910. There have been a number of adaptations of this strategy but the form usually includes the following elements.
The teacher presents a puzzling,event ,question or problem,
The students;
• Formulate hypothesis to explain the event or solve the problem.
• Collect data to test the hypotheses.
• Draw conclusions.
• Reflect on the original problem and on the thinking processes needed to solve it.
At times teachers present a problem and students ask/or questions to gather data and test hypotheses. This allows the teacher to monitor students thinking and guide the process.
Individualized instruction
Each student works with learning plans designed to fit his or her own needs, interests and abilities. To accomplish this goal individualized instructions takes many forms; students may work in small or large groups so long as the activities are designed to match the needs of the individuals involved.
Modifying lessons to fit individual needs. Tailor a learning activity to an individual student, a teacher might vary one or more of the following elements: the pace of learning, the instructional objectives, the activity or the materials, the reading level or the methods by which students are to demonstrate what they have learned. Perhaps the simplest form of individualized instruction is to let students work at their own pace on the same assignment.
Lellah answered the question on August 5, 2021 at 07:27
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Discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development
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