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Explain the origin of sociology


Explain the origin of sociology



- The term Sociology was first used by a French Social Philosopher, Auguste Comte (1798 - 1857) in 1843. It is a combination of two words: Socius in Latin which means 'sharing in a group' or 'companionship', and Logos in Greek, which means 'reasoning' or 'science'. When these words and their interpretations were combined, three meanings emerged:
a) Reasoning about companionship
b) Words about human group sharing and
c) Science or group sharing

The problem in the meaning and interpretation of the words Socius and Logos was solved in the 19th century by Comte. He combined these two words out and invented the phrase Sociology. Comte initially defined Sociology as the science of Society.
Titany answered the question on August 10, 2021 at 05:46

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