The scope of the subject matter means the extent to be covered in the subject matter.
At the secondary school level in Kenya, Business Studies is an integrated subject which
contains the elements of Commerce, Office Practice, Accounting and Economics. Prior
to 2002, these sub branches were offered separately in the then 8-4-4 Business Studies
Curriculum. It should be noted that these four main sub-branches of Business Studies
are not the only subject matter covered in the Kenyan Secondary School Curriculum.
Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management are some of the other branches of
Business Studies covered in the subject matter. There is also Commercial Mathematics
such as calculating profit and loss interest, discount, etc.
In form one and two of the Secondary School Business Studies syllabus, Commerce and
Office Practice / Organization topics are offered. At forms three and four basic
Accounting and Economic topics are covered.
raphael answered the question on August 10, 2021 at 06:08