Explain the features in implementation of education policies in East Asia.


Explain the features in implementation of education policies in East Asia.



i.Sequencing of educational reforms: The common pattern for basic education was: first expand quantity of
education to ensure access while tolerating low quality in terms of inputs such as less qualified teachers, larger class size and multiple shifts. Next upgrade the worst-off schools to meet minimum standards of inputs. Finally, upgrade the quality of inputs and tighten management of the inputs, especially teachers, to meet standards for performance as measured by learning outcomes.
ii. Benchmarking for Education Excellence: The East Asian countries have kept their ancient tradition of professional mobility based on examinations. Formal academic credentials, based on merit, are achieved through highly competitive examinations and are the basis for selection into jobs both in the private and public sector. External validation of the quality of instruction is achieved through participation in international assessments of student learning such as in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
iii. Attracting and Retaining High-quality Staff: The countries noted that effective management is vital for efficient resource use and for choice and implementation of cost-effective learning strategies. This observation implied recruitment and retention of high-quality staff. Further, the countries used a combination of incentives including competitive salaries and opportunities for post-secondary degree programs to retain devoted and quality teachers at all levels of education.
iv. Providing High-quality Low-Cost Training Materials for All: Another focus of the East Asian countries was ensuring universal access to quality textbooks. The countries ensured production and distribution of textbooks that promoted national objectives using government agencies such as the Educational Publishing Bureau in Singapore and the education Publishing House in Vietnam.
v. Pricing Policies of Education: The East Asian countries have a standard practice of charging fees for public education where disadvantaged groups are identified and exempted.
Titany answered the question on August 10, 2021 at 09:40

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