Describe the Levels of social agencies.


Describe the Levels of social agencies.



1. Local agency
Are normally divided into two .i.e. those at the community level and those that are at external to the community.
a) Community level agencies
– These are social agencies which draw membership from within the community. Members of these agencies co-ordinate and encourage self -help activities sin the community. They are found in the community .e.g. school committees, farmers associations, 4k-clubs, youth groups etc.
b) External /outside agencies
– These are agencies based outside but with branches or representatives in the society. The most important of these agencies are government concerned with development and social welfare matter.
-They address many community problems in fields such as health, education, care of the needy, agriculture and building of roads.
-Apart from the government, the local agencies outside the community may also include, church missions, NGO’s, maendeleo ya wanawake, catholic self-ware services etc.

2. International level agencies
-These are agencies which act outside a country but have branches in several countries. Most of them are based in the western countries but have branches and representatives in other countries .e.g. UN agencies, NGO’s like Care International, plan international, Action Aid, Red Cross, boys scouts and girl guides.

3. Regional level
- These are agencies based in different regions in the world in a particular country but have branches and different parts of the country. They may be found in Asia and Europe region, central region.
Kavungya answered the question on August 11, 2021 at 05:30

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