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State and explain the factors to consider when choosing capacity building techniques.


State and explain the factors to consider when choosing capacity building techniques.



1. Culture of the community members
These are common characteristics of behavior of the community that are unique to them and make them identifiable as a cohesive group. Culture of the community is the community’s way of life. Culture of a community include; their norms, value, beliefs, social organization, leadership, resources and systems of social controls.

2. Community participation
Participation of a community in a capacity building is very important. This involves the involvement of the community in all aspects of the capacity building process like decision making, planning, implementation and evaluations processes.

3. Mobilization and millennium development goals (MDGS)
These are activities that the world over wants to engage in and achieve in the long run.

4. Resources
These are necessary items needed for the capacity building. These are usually internal resources (those found within the community) and extended resources (those generated by the intervening organizations.)

5. Leadership
Successful capacity building activities requires a leadership that is dedicated and able to unite the community to achieve their objective without being torn apart by internal or external wrangling.

6. Unity of the community
It is important to know that capacity building relies on unity of the community. Anything that exacerbates clearances or conflicts in the community will lessen the likelihood of success of the capacity building process.

7. Social organizations
These provide a platform through whish capacity building strategies can be implemented. They include; clan association, religious groupings, co-operatives, Harambee and self – help groups, mutual aid and welfare societies, savings and credit unions.

Other factors include the cost, learning contents and the program aims.
Kavungya answered the question on August 11, 2021 at 06:19

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