Discuss the early warning systems of a conflict


Discuss the early warning systems of a conflict



- Political indicators:
The internal political dynamics, the political actors, institutions, processes and issues. One can investigate the level of popular participation in (and exclusion from) the decision-making processes and institutions, elections, issues related to identity and citizenship

- Economic indicators:
The cost of living, inflation rate, unemployment, scarcities, food security, opportunities for access to critical resources, etc

- Personal security:
Law and order, civil military relations, the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, military buildup and expenditures, official discourse on national or group security, the proliferation of militia and paramilitary forces, etc.

- Social Indicators:
Democratic makeup, population changes and movements, population density.

- Environmental indicators:
Water security, natural catastrophes, epidemics and pandemics

Titany answered the question on August 11, 2021 at 06:22

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