Describe the three approaches to conflict resolution


Describe the three approaches to conflict resolution



(a) Power-Based Approach
Power is the ability to make someone do what you want with or without his/her consent. The power can be legitimate or illegitimate. This approach to conflict resolution determines who is more powerful, implying that the stronger party should get to determine the outcome. This approach is often used by people in authority such as the provincial administration, the police force, parents, teachers, etc to carry out their duties effectively. On the other hand, this method is used illegally and/or illegitimately when power acquired from wealth, religion, culture, age, social status, etc is used to oppress the less privileged in the society.

(b) Rights-Based Approach
This approach is based upon organizations or society?s laws, norms and values. In this situation, the decision is made using some independent set of criteria to determine fairness or which party?s claim is more legitimate in litigation. In traditional African societies, there are established norms and laws that govern disputes related to marriage, crime, etc. Here, efforts are made to establish answers to the question ?whose??

(c) Interest-Based Approach
This procedure seeks to reconcile the needs, desires and concerns of parties involved. The parties in conflict look for ways in which their interests will be best be catered for while at the same time improving relationship. The pertinent question here is ?why??

Titany answered the question on August 11, 2021 at 07:03

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