State the conditions that must be manifested for one to declare that there is peace


State the conditions that must be manifested for one to declare that there is peace



- A balance of political power among various groups in society, region or globe.
- Legitimacy for decision makers and implementation of decisions in the eyes of their respective groups visa vi those of external parties supported transparently and having accountability.
- Recognized and valued interdependent relationships among groups fostering long term cooperation in periods of agreement, disagreement, normality and crisis.
- Reliable and rusted institution for resolving conflicts e.g. IGAD, ECOMOG, ECOWAS, International legal justice institutions, UN.
- A sense of equality and respect, in sentiment and in practice within/without groups and in accordance with international standards.
- Mutual understanding of rights, interests, and intents and flexibility despite incompatibility.

Titany answered the question on August 11, 2021 at 08:34

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