The Farm Management integrates and synthesizes diverse piece of information from physical and biological sciences of agriculture.
The physical and biological sciences like Agronomy, animal husbandry, soil science, horticulture, plant breeding, agricultural engineering provide input-output relationships in their respective areas in physical terms i.e. they define production possibilities within which various choices can be made. Such information is helpful to the farm management in dealing with the problems of production efficiency.
Farm Management as a subject matter is the application of business principles n farming from the point view of an individual farmer. It is a specialized branch of wider field of economics. The tools and techniques for farm management are supplied by general economic theory. The law of variable proportion, principle of factor substitution, principle of product substitution are all instances of tools of economic theory used in farm management analysis.
Statistics is another science that has been used extensively by the agricultural economist. This science is helpful in providing methods and procedures by which data regarding specific farm problems can be collected, analyzed and evaluated.
Psychology provides information of human motivations and attitudes, attitude towards risks depends on the psychological aspects of decision maker.
Sometimes philosophy and religion forbid the farmers to grow certain enterprises, though they are highly profitable. For example, Islam prohibits Muslim farmer to take up piggery while Hinduism prohibits beef production.
The various pieces of legislation and actions of government affect the production decisions of the farmer such as ceiling on land, support prices, food zones etc.
The physical sciences specify what can be produced; economics specify how resources should be used, while sociology, psychology, political sciences etc. specify the limitations which are placed on choice, through laws, customs etc.
raphael answered the question on August 12, 2021 at 05:30