describe the steps followed in analytical thinking


describe the steps followed in analytical thinking



1. Gather Information
Gathering information requires that you ask appropriate questions of yourself and of others in order to gain the necessary insights that will enable you to make more effective decisions about the problems you are facing.
However, you also need to consider the relevance of your sources and the means by which you will gather this information.
Here you must gather all the necessary information that will be required to help you solve your problems.
You also need to recognize whether you need to obtain more or higher quality information in order to collect all the relevant data you will need to arrive at an appropriate solution.

2. Identify Issues and Problems
When it comes to analytical thinking, it’s important to develop your ability to recognize underlying issues or problems based on trends, associations and cause-effect relationships between datasets.

3. Organize Information
Once all relevant information has been collected successfully, you must now organize and integrate all the pieces in a way that will provide you with insights and ideas that can be used to draw appropriate conclusions.
This in turn will lay down the foundations for potential solutions to the problem or problems you are facing.

Titany answered the question on August 12, 2021 at 07:54

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