List the methods of displaying projects


List the methods of displaying projects



1.Use LCD Panels or Digital Projectors
Aids displayed digitally are created with presentation software such as PowerPoint and transferred directly to the projector.

2.Prepare a Flip Chart
A flip chart is simply a large (27–34 inch) pad of paper on which a speaker can draw visual aids. They are often prepared in advance; then, as you progress through the speech, you simply flip through the pad to the next exhibit. You can also write and draw on the paper as you speak.

3. Use Posters
A poster is (generally) a large (36 × 56 inch) stiff paper board on which the speaker places, alone or in combination, text, data, and pictures. Speakers use posters to introduce topics or concepts to survey a topic.

Titany answered the question on August 13, 2021 at 09:14

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