Describe the origin and distribution of maize


Describe the origin and distribution of maize



-The center of origin for Zea mays has been established as the Mesoamerican region, now Mexico and Central America (exist wild relatives such as teosinte).
-Archaeological records suggest that domestication of maize began at least 6000 years ago, occurring independently in regions of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America by Indians (native Americans).
-The Portuguese introduced maize to Southeast-Asia from the America in the 16th century.
-The maize was introduced into Spain after the return of Columbus from America and from Spain it went to France, Italy and Turkey.
-In India, Portuguese introduced maize during the seventeenth century. From India it went to China and later it was introduced in Philippines and the East Indies.
-It has since spread to many parts of Africa and Asia.
-In Kenya it was ?rst introduced by the Portuguese at the coast in the 15th Century
-Maize is cultivated globally being one of the most important cereal crops worldwide.
-Maize is a versatile crop grown over a range of agro climatic zones. In fact the suitability of maize to diverse environments is unmatched by any other crop.
-It is grown from 58oN to 40oS, from below sea level to altitudes higher than 3000 m, and in areas with 250 mm to more than 5000 mm of rainfall per year and with a growing cycle ranging from 3 to 13 months.
However the major maize production areas are located in temperate regions of the globe. The
United States, China, Brazil and Mexico account for 70% of global production. India has 5% of corn acreage and contributes 2% of world production.

Titany answered the question on August 16, 2021 at 06:50

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