Discuss drying and shelling of maize


Discuss drying and shelling of maize



-In-field drying can be supplemented by drying the cobs in improved drying structures (well ventilated cribs) and this reduces the risk of development of moulds.
-The cobs can be brought out the cribs spread on mats or trays and exposed to solar radiation to ensure complete drying to the required moisture content for shelling.
-Shelling should be done when the maize has a moisture content of 13-14%. Shelling by hand is the most common method. Other types of hand tools and machines are used to making shelling easier and increase capacity.
Maize is shelled for the following reasons:-
i. Mixing with insecticide is easier and more efficient
ii. More accurate application rates of insecticide is attained
iii. Prolonged Shelf life of the Shelled grain
iv. Less space is required to store shelled grain (volume is reduced by 25-40%)
v. It is easier to control and inspect the produce Rodents may burrow in cob maize but can’t cause significant damage below a surface grain.Once shelled, the maize should be cleaned by winnowing and then treated with the recommended chemical insecticides like Actellic Super (at 50g per 90 kg bag).

Titany answered the question on August 16, 2021 at 07:56

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