Describe the scope of the history of education


Describe the scope of the history of education



The scope of history of education includes the description, elaboration and the analysis of both the formal and informal aspects of education in ancient western civilization. Ranging from antiquity in Greece, through Roman civilization, middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation.
Unfortunately during the past history of education has been entirely European centered. Thus narrow approach must change in the independent Africa. Otherwise we would be perpetuating cultural imperialism loathed by Africans themselves. Black personalities whose ideas have had significant impact in education and cultural development should be studied as a source of inspiration needed for active participation in the reconstruction of education and culture of African people during the post independent era.

While every effort must be made to gain from the long period of western education starting from the classical Greeks and Romans. The remarkable ideas and practices of education featured in long stream African and Asiatic civilization must be resurrected and incorporated in the revised syllabus.

History of education rightly begins at the dawn of human civilization, with the founders of world civilizations centered within the vicinity of Nile in Egypt, Tigris and Euphrates Mesopotamia, Indus valley and Hwang Ho valley.

Titany answered the question on August 30, 2021 at 06:01

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