Five Major factors that helped shape the education policies at independence


Five Major factors that helped shape the education policies at independence



-That, there was a desire on the part of the new African leaders to prove and to protect the independence of their new state.
-That, there was a great desire at the time of the independence for more and better secondary school education.
-That, the new African politicians had campaign on an education system based on a seven year free education for primary school in Kenya
-That, at the dawn of independence, many white Europeans who occupied most of the top posts in the public and the private sectors, did not want to work under African bosses. Therefore, many of them suddenly left their jobs. This created an awkward situation in the public service.
-That during the whole period of the colonial rule in Kenya, education for the Africans was pyramidal. In this way, it presented many bottle-necks. Some of the problems in that education system included the following:
i. Many examinations
ii. Unaffordable school fees
iii. Lack of opening after the end of an educational circle.

Titany answered the question on August 30, 2021 at 13:47

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