Discuss three barriers to Change


Discuss three barriers to Change



1. The attitude theory of balance and consistency. That is, human beings prefer their attitudes about people ad things to be in line (i.e. balanced, consistent) with their behaviours towards each other and objects. When attitudes or behaviours are not consistent, people usually seek to reduce the inconsistency rewarding internally. Leon Festinger has developed a theory in support of attitude consistency called cognitive dissonance. Festinger’s theory states that dissonance makes an individual feel uncomfortable. This feeling makes the individual try to reduce dissonance.
2.The second barrier to change of attitude is prior commitments. This occurs when people feel a commitment to a particular course of action and are unwilling to change.
3.The third barrier results from insufficient information. Sometimes people see no reason why they should change their attitudes. The boss may not like a subordinate’s negative attitude, but the latter may be quite pleased with his behaviour. Unless the boss can show the individual why a negative attitude is detrimental to career progress or salary increases or some other personal objective, the subordinate may continue to have negative attitude.

Titany answered the question on September 7, 2021 at 12:28

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