Describe four ways of changing a person's attitude


Describe four ways of changing a person's attitude



i. Providing new information
New information will help change attitudes. Negative attitudes are mainly formed owing to lack of or insufficient information. Workers generally become pro-union because of the ignorance about the good intentions of the management. Once they come to know how the management cares for the welfare of the workers, they change their attitude and might turn pro-management.
ii. Use of Fear
Fear can change attitude. However, the change depends on the degree of fear. For e.g., if low levels of fear arouses are used, people often ignore them. The warnings are not strong enough to warrant attention. If moderate levels of fear arousals are used, people often become aware of situation and will change their attitudes. However, if high degrees of fear arousal are used, people often reject the message, because it is too threatening and thus not believable. On the contrary, high degrees of fear may prove counter productive. On being threatened too far, people tend to become stubborn in their attitudes and may refuse to change.
iii. Influence of friends or peers
Change of attitude can come about through persuasion of friends or peers. Credibility of the others, specially peers, is important to effect change. Peers with high creditability shall exercise significant influence on change. The same is not true with peers who have low creditabilities.
iv. The co-opting approach
Co-opting is another way of changing attitude. This means taking people who are dissatisfied with a situation and getting them involved in improving things.
v. Others
Research has shown that an individual is more likely to change a privately held attitude than one he has stated publicly. It is, therefore, necessary that a situation is avoided where the individual makes his attitude public prior to the change attempt.
The individual from a culturally deprived environment who holds an array of hostile attitudes, may change when he is given opportunities for education. A person from privileged subculture, who has always held to a democratic attitude, may become negative towards some group because of one unfortunate experience. Again, through continued association with others holding similar attitudes, one can be influenced in a positive or negative direction. Here the attitudes of both the reference group and the social climate are important.

Titany answered the question on September 7, 2021 at 12:31

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