Consequences of job satisfaction


Consequences of job satisfaction



i. Productivity
The relationship between satisfaction and productivity is not definitely established. The result, however, is that in the long run job satisfaction leads to increased productivity. But, 4 decades of research into this issue, unfortunately, does not lend support to this belief.
First, the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is weak. (Brafield and Crokett, 1955 and from 1964). Interestingly, the latest finding is that the median correlation between satisfaction and performance is only 0.14
Second, there is more evidence to suggest that job performance leads to job satisfaction and the other way round (Lawler and Porter, 1967). An employee who performs well in his job gets both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards which will lead to his satisfaction. A poor performance will make him feel worse about his incompetence and will receive fewer rewards. He will be less satisfied with his work experience.
Third, there are some conditions under which high productivity, more clearly leads to high job satisfaction. One condition is that the employee perceives that, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are contingent upon his productivity. The second condition is that, the extrinsic rewards (pay for example) be distributed equitably. Inequitable distribution fails to convince the employees that there is close correlation between hard work and rewards.
However, the adage “a happy worker is a productive worker” is not always wrong. True, there may not be a relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Performance may be affected indirectly by absenteeism or turnover which is related (negatively) to satisfaction.

ii. Job satisfaction and Employee Turnover
High employee turnover is of considerable concern for employee because it disrupts normal operations, causes morale problems for those who stick on and increases the cost involved in selecting and training replacements. The employer does whatever possible to minimize turnover, making the employee feel satisfied on their jobs, being one such.
Unlike the relationship between satisfaction and productivity, the connection with turnover is established beyond doubt.
However, the withdrawal behaviour of employee is modified by certain factors. Loyalty to the organization is one such. Some employees cannot imagine themselves working elsewhere, however dissatisfied they are in their present jobs. Availability of other places of employment also influence turnover. If greener pastures are available, an employee does not mind going in search of them, not withstanding the present level of job satisfaction he enjoys.

iii. Satisfaction and Absences
Correlation of satisfaction to absenteeism is also proved conclusively. Workers who are dissatisfied are more likely to take “mental health” days i.e. days off due to illness or personal business. Simply stated, absenteeism is high when satisfaction is low. As in turnover, absenteeism is subject to modification by certain factors. The degree to which people feel that their jobs are important has a moderating influence on their absences. Employees who feel that their work is important tend to clock in regular attendance. Besides, it is important to remember that while high job satisfaction will not necessarily result in low absenteeism, low satisfaction is likely to bring about high absenteeism.

iv. Satisfaction and Safety
Poor safety practices are a negative consequence of low satisfaction level. When people are discouraged about their jobs, company and superiors, they are more liable to experience accidents. An underlying reason for such accidents is that, discouragement may take one’s attention away from the task at hand. Inattention leads to accidents. For e.g., many hand injuries from poorer tools can be attributed to the operator not paying careful attention.

v. Satisfaction and Job stress
Job stress is the body’s response to any job- related factor that threatens to disturb the person’s equilibrium. In the process of experiencing stress, the employee’s inner state changes. Prolonged stress can cause the employee serious ailment such as heart disease, ulcer, lower back pain and muscles aches. Chronic job dissatisfaction is a powerful source of job stress. The employee may see no satisfactory short- term solution to escaping this type of stress. An employee trapped in a dissatisfying job may withdraw by such means as high absenteeism and tardiness or the employee may quit.
Employee under prolonged stress stemming from job dissatisfaction often consume too much alcohol, tobacco and drugs. These employees are costly to the management in terms of time lost due to frequent absences and increased payment towards medical reimbursement.

vi. Unionization
It is proved that job dissatisfaction is a major cause for unionization. Dissatisfaction with wages, job security, fringe benefits, chances for promotion and treatment by superiors are reasons which make employees join unions. Another dimension is that job dissatisfaction can have an impact on the tendency to take action within the union, such as filing grievances or striking.

Other effects of Job-Satisfaction
In addition to above, it has been claimed that a satisfied employee tend to have better mental and physical health and learn new job- related tasks more quickly. Practicing manager and OB researcher would agree that, job satisfaction is important to an organization. Critics however, point out that, this is pure conjecture because there is so much we do not know about the positive effects of satisfaction. On the other hand, when job satisfaction is low, there seems to be negative effects on the organization that have been documented. So, if only from the stand point of viewing job satisfaction as a minimum requirement or point of departure, it is of value to the organization’s overall health and effectiveness and is deserving of study and application in the field of OB.

Titany answered the question on September 7, 2021 at 12:53

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