Discuss five sources of job satisfaction


Discuss five sources of job satisfaction



i. Wages
Wages play a significant role in influencing job satisfaction. This is because of 2 reason. First, money is an instrument in fulfilling one’s needs, and two, employees often see pay as a reflection of management’s concern for them. Employee want a pay system which is simple, fair and in line with their expectations. When pay is seen as fair, based on job demands, individual skill level, and community pay standards, satisfaction is likely to result. What needs emphasis is that, it is not the absolute pay that matters, rather it is one’s perception of fairness.
ii. Nature of works
Most employees crave intellectual challenges on jobs. They tend to prefer being given opportunities to use their skills and abilities and being offered a variety of tasks, freedom and feedback on how well they are doing. These characteristics make jobs mentally challenging. Jobs that have too little challenge create boredom. But too much challenge creates frustration and a feeling of failure. Under conditions of moderate challenge, employees experience pleasure and job satisfaction.
iii. Promotions
Promotional opportunities affect job satisfaction considerably. The desire for promotion is generally strong among employees as it involves change in job content, pay, responsibility, independence, status and the like. An average employee in a typical government organization can hope to get two or three promotions in his entire service, though chances of promotion are better in the private sector. It is no surprise that the employee takes promotion as the ultimate achievement in his career and when it is realized, he feels extremely satisfied.
iv. Supervisions
There is a positive relationship between the quality of supervisor and job satisfaction. Supervisor who establishes a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and takes a personal interest in them, contributes to their employee satisfaction. On realizing the role of supervision in creating satisfaction, a number or supervisory roles have been suggested for the purpose. Some of the supervisory roles are:
a. Maintain open lines of communication
b. Create a good physical environment.
c. Remedy sub-standard conditions.
d. Transfer discontent employees.
e. Change the perception of dissatisfied employees.
f. Display concern for employees.
g. Give ample recognition.
h. Allow for participative in management.
i. Practice good management
j. Conduct morale building programs.
v. Work Group
Work Group does serve as a source of satisfaction to individual employees. It does so, primarily by providing the group member, with opportunities for interaction, with each other. It is well known that, for many employees, work fills the need for social interaction. The work group is a even stronger source of satisfaction when members have similar attitudes and values. Having people around with similar attitudes causes less friction on day to day basis. Co-worker’s with similar attitudes and values can provide some confirmation of people’s self concept.
vi. Working condition
Working condition that are compatible with an employee’s physical comfort and that facilitate doing a good job, contribute to job satisfaction. Temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting and noise, hours of work, cleanliness of work place and adequate tools and equipment are the features which affect job satisfaction.
The assumption that working condition and satisfaction are interrelated contradicts the two-factor theory of motivation. According to this theory, working conditions are a part of maintenance factor which, when provided, help remove dissatisfaction. And the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction, but not satisfaction. Thus, while working condition constitute a source of job satisfaction they are a relatively minor source. Generally, unless working conditions are either extremely good or bad, they are taken for granted by most employees. Only when employees themselves change jobs or when working conditions change dramatically over time. (e.g.; moving into new facilities) do working conditions assume more relevance. In other words, all workers are not satisfying dissatisfaction by favourable or unfavourable work environment.

Titany answered the question on September 7, 2021 at 12:55

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