Transference is a phenomenon in psychology characterised by “unconscious redirection of
feelings of one person to another” (Wiki Answers, n.d.). It can occur both in everyday life and
also in the therapy room. One example of how it can happen is when a person mistrusts
another because the other resembles, say, an ex-spouse, in manners, appearance, or
In a therapeutic context, transference refers to the way in which the client’s view of and
relations with childhood objects (meaning: people) are expressed in current feelings, attitudes, and behaviours in regard to the therapist (Sandler et al, 1980). Analysing this transference has generally been seen as the central feature of psychodynamically oriented techniques (Gill,1982). Freud initially observed and formulated the notion of transference, understanding its importance for better understanding of the patient’s feelings. It was Jung, however, who noted that within the transference dyad both participants tended to experience a variety of opposites, and that the key to psychological growth was the ability to hold a point of tension with the opposites without abandoning the process. It was this tension, Jung said, which would allow a client to grow and transform (Bauer & Mills, 1989; Wiki Answers, n.d.).
The steps in dealing with transference
1. The therapist steps back, disidentifies from the affective reaction and views it more objectively.
2. The therapist identifies the client’s affective state.
3. The therapist establishes the significance of the client’s message.
4. The therapist decides how most effectively to use what has been learned.
Titany answered the question on September 13, 2021 at 11:15
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