This is concerned with how a learner moves or controls his body. It deals with motor or manipulative skills. The major concern is what the learner does. It requires a learner to manipulate, use a tool, or even to produce a product or to perform a routine. It involves motor skills that range from comparatively simple to move complex ones. It’s easy to measure because one can identify overt student behavior. It has 5 levels.
1. Imitation: This is being able to observe what is being performed and be able to repeat.
Some of the verbs
- Find
- Locate
- Observe
- Recognize
- Sort.
2. Manipulation
This refers to selected action and fixation through practice following thorough instructional direction. It requires imitation.
Some of the verbs
- Build
- Operate
- Perform
- Demonstrate
- Play
- Construct
- Use
- Measure
- Draw
3. Precision
Refers to reproduction of performance with errors reduced to a minimum, it requires the above 2.
Some of the verbs
- Build
- Measure,
- Perform
- Demonstrate
- Play
- Write
- Express
- Construct
- Run
- Use.
4. Articulation
This refers to performance, which involves accuracy and control, plus elements of speed and time. It requires the above 3 levels. Some of the verbs
- Adapt
- Create
- Draw
- Mend
- Manipulate
- Plan
- Produce
- Promote
- Regulate
- Research
- Teach
- Instruct.
5. Naturalization
This refers to a situation where action is performed without hesitation, leading to automatic and smooth performance.
Some of the verbs
- Create
- Draw
- Contract
- Make
- Produce
- Plan
- Regulate.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 07:08