Outline the elements of a lesson plan


Outline the elements of a lesson plan



a) Objectives: -
An objective is a clear precise statement, which articulates the aim of that particular lesson. It describes the intended changes in behavior or skill mastery and defines the conditions under which the change is to occur. The objectives set must concur with those that have been specified in the schemes of work.
Objectives should be: SMART
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable/Achievable
- Realistic

1. Administrative details; This shows name and registration number of the student,
teacher, School, Subject, form and stream of the class, the date when the lesson will be
taught e.g 2/10/2007, and the time of the day when the lesson will be taught.
2. Topic/sub-topic; this is the topic of the subject matter to be taught that day.
3. Objectives; There are the same objectives stated in the schemes but now transferred to
the lesson plan, stating what to be achieved in one lesson of 40 minutes or a double
lesson of 80minutes.
4. Time; The exact time the teacher will spend at every stage of the lesson (introduction,
body and conclusion)
5. Content; The exact information to be passed to the learners under the topic/sub-topic
being taught, it is to be presented at three levels: Introduction, lesson development and
conclusion .It identifiers the main points to be delivered in the body of the lesson.
6. Learning activities: Refer to what the learners will be doing at each level of the lesson to
show that learning is taking place or the objectives are being realized. Each activity
should be planned around the pattern of transition namely; introduction activities, lesson
development activities and conclusion activities .They should be specific and challenging
enough depending on the learners level ability. They should also be varied, related to and
helpful in achieving topics objective. Examples of related to the helpful in achieving
topic/sub-topic objectives. Examples of related activities are; answering questions, discussions, chalkboard writing, drawing reading, role-playing, debating, copying, doing homework/assignments and note-taking among others.
- Time bound
b) Instructional aids: -
These refers to selected pieces of equipment, tools or materials that a teacher may use during the lesson to facilitate the achievement of the set objectives. The teacher should be innovative when selecting teaching aids. They should be geared towards appealing to as many senses as possible.
During planning list the charts, models, materials, equipment, tools and other aids that will facilitate learning. This list serves as an inventory.
c) Texts and references: -
These are resources from which the teacher has obtained information for the lesson. These may include class textbooks, library books, newspapers, magazines etc (Published or official material that is accessible to others). When doing referencing, give the following:
- The book title
- Author(s) of the book
- The edition and year of the book
- The pages referred
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 07:39

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