Describe the process of administration of examinations


Describe the process of administration of examinations



Preparation before the examinations:
- Inform the learners about the examination, when it will be done and what topics it will be covering.
- Inform learners in advance about materials or equipment they will need for the examination especially if they are to provide them themselves.
- Incase the examination will take more than the class time; inform the affected teachers in advance.
- Prepare the examination, the marking scheme, the table of specification, the scheme of work and lesson plan for the test. - Ensure that you have all the necessary materials i.e. writing materials, calculators etc.
- Ensure that the room is free of any materials that could induce cheating i.e. charts, books etc.
- Ensure that the room is clean, well lit and properly ventilated. - Rearrange the seats so that there is enough space between students. - Incase you’ll need assistance i.e. distribution and supervision inform those concerned in advance.

Execution of the examination
- All the necessary materials of the exam should be placed on the desk.
- Place a clock where everybody can be able to see.
- Distribute the question papers and answer sheets upside down to all students.
- Take roll call so as to know who is going to miss the examination. - Emphasize instructions for the examination and make any corrections to the question paper on the board as all learners watch. - For individual questions, move to individual students and assist them without interfering with other students or disclosing the answer to the questions.
- Signal the learners to start writing the examination, remind them how long the paper will take and therefore when they’ll be expected to stop writing.
- Announce remaining time at reasonable intervals.
- Supervise students as they write examination to ensure that no cheating takes place.
- Announce the last 5 minutes and signal them to stop writing when time is up.
- Indicate order of collecting the sheets.

Summary of the examinations:
- Collect answer sheets from all students following the order given. - No one should leave the examination room until the lesson is concluded.
- Ask students about the examination so that you get a general feel of how it was – ask a fast and a slow learner.
- Tell students about when the next lesson will be then dismiss them. - Mark the scripts following the marking scheme but consider other answer not in your scheme but which are satisfactory.
- Do not mark the examination while you are bored.
- Do not indicate correct answers on the script.
- Return scripts to learners and do necessary revision.

Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 08:24

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