List the advantages and disadvantages of group work as a mode of teaching


List the advantages and disadvantages of group work as a mode of teaching



1. The strategy is conducive to developing learner’s leadership and discussion skills.
2. It allows learners to use inquiry skills that many educators believe will better prepare learners for the future by removing traditional teaching learning strategies.
3. It provides opportunities for more intensive investigation of a study or problem.
4. It allows learners to become more actively involved in their own learning and to participate more freely in discussions.
5. It provides opportunities to develop respect for other learners whose work helps the group progress in reaching its goals.
6. It enables the teacher to give more individual attention to each learner’s learning needs.
7. It can be used in schools employing a variety of class arrangements, groupings and schedules.
8. It encourages social interaction among learners.
9. It helps a teacher to plan how to assist pupils with special learning problems.
10. It enhances learner– teacher relationship.
11. It makes it easy to assess the progress of the individual learner in learning skills.

1. It often involves only the able learners because these learners are capable of directing their own learning.
2. It sometimes requires different seating arrangements, different kinds of materials and different kinds of teaching styles.
3. The classroom settings does not always provide the best physical environment for small group study, the close proximity of groups to each other or to learners studying independently can make for much interference.
4. The success of the method depends on the ability of learners to lead groups or to work independently.
5. It requires careful planning, abundant learning material, and plenty of room.
6. Sometimes a teacher may be unable to attend to all groups’ needs adequately. If this happens, the group becomes idle and unruly.
7. If the teacher does not organize and motivate learners they may develop a negative altitude towards learning certain skills.

Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 08:32

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