Outline four advantages and disadvantages of the individual assignment


Outline four advantages and disadvantages of the individual assignment



1. It allows the learners to pursue his topic with as much depth as he wishes and to be as creative as his talents permit.
2. It may be carried out in any school regardless of the organization of the staff.
3. The strategy does not normally require additional equipment.
4. It is appropriate for all areas of the curriculum.
5. It enhances a learner’s motivation, because he is involved in selecting what he plans to study.
6. It helps bridge the gap between the school and the community because it can occur in a variety of settings.
7. It allows learners to pursue individual interests within the required curriculum as well as to supplement the curriculum.
8. It emphasizes the learners’ responsibility and accountability; which contributes to personal involvement and self-discipline.
9. It allows learners to develop knowledge and skills that cannot be obtained as well in a regular classroom setting.
1. There is little social interaction unless planned for.
2. The strategy is difficulty for learners to handle effectively if they have been used to conforming and competing in group settings only.
3. It is viewed to be ineffective by parents, teachers and administrators, who believe that group activities provide the best setting for learning.
4. It arouses concern of some parents and learners over whether or not learners are learning what they should for promotion to the next grade or for college entrance requirements.
5. It requires a low teacher learner ratio for adequate planning, counseling and supervision.
6. It can be expensive when used on a comprehensive basis in a school, because it may require adjustments in the use of space, personnel, and materials. Some educators believe that a comprehensive program for independent study requires five types of facilities; study and work centers for each subject field, a library, a conference area, relaxation space and an intensive care area for learners who are not yet able to assume responsibility for their own learning.
7. It requires additional adult supervision, which may be difficult to arrange.
8. The method can be uncomfortable for some teachers because it requires a different type of relationship between a learner and teacher. In this case a teacher is to help the student to become more independent in his learning activities rather than being the major source of the students’ knowledge.
9. The strategy could have an undesirable effect on a learner’s thinking and attitude. A learner may find his independent study more interesting that he thinks he should quit school and pursue the new interest which excites him more.
10.It requires a teacher’s willingness to do extra work.
11.It is a slower process thus heavy curriculum may not be completed in time.
12.Weaker learners may copy answers from bright ones.
13.Mostly suitable for higher levels of learning.

Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 08:46

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