Phase 1 The Beginning of the Lecture.
- Use an introduction that will catch the listeners’ interest e.g. raise a question to be answered by the end of the lecture.
- Provide a brief overview of the lecturer content either verbally, with a handout or through an outline on the chalkboard.
- Tell the learners how you expect them to use the lecture material.
- Define or explain unfamiliar terminologies.
- Highlight objectives.
Phase 2. The Body of the Lecture
- Allow for some flexibility in the amount of content to be presented in order to respond to learners’ questions and comments.
- Determine the key points to be developed during the class session
- Organize materials in some logical order.
- Prepare examples to clarify and emphasize key ideas
- Provide transitions which show the relationships between key ideas.
- Effectively incorporate audiovisual or support materials e.g. chalkboard, diagrams, flowcharts etc.
- Throughout the lecture, check on understanding by asking learners to answer specific questions, asking for learners’ questions and checking on their understanding.
- Watch the learners for non verbal cues of inattention, confusion or misunderstanding.
Phase 3. The Closing of the Lecture
- Answer any question raised at the beginning of the lecture
- Provide closure for the lecture by summarizing lecture material and highlight what lies ahead, relating lecture material to past or future presentation or asking a learner to summarize the lectures key ideas.
- Restate what you expect the students to gain from the lecture.
- Ask for and the answer learners questions.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 12:04
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