Types of demonstrations used in learning


Types of demonstrations used in learning



i) Drill and practice
In this type of demonstration a learner is led through a series of practice exercises designed to increase fluency of a new skill or refresh an existing one. This method assumes that the learner has previously received some instruction on the concept, principle or procedures that is to be practiced. To be effective the drill and practice exercise should include feedback to correct and remediate errors that a learner might make along the way.
ii) Tutorial
A tutor in form of a person, computer or a special printed material presents the content, poses a question or a problem requiring a learner’s response. It then analyzes the response and supplies appropriate feedback and provides practices until the learner demonstrates the pre determined level of competency. It is most often done on a one to one basis on skills such as reading and arithmetic.
iii) Gaming
It provides a “playful” environment in which the learner follows prescribed rules as they strive to attain a challenging goal. It is a highly motivating method especially for devious and repetitive content.
iv) Simulation
Using this method the learner confronts a scaled done approximation of real life situation. It allows realistic practice without the expenses or risks otherwise involved. It may involve participant’s dialogue, manipulation of materials and equipment or interaction with a computer. Inter personal skills and laboratory experiments in physical sciences are popular subjects for simulations.
V) Discovery
The discovery method uses an inductive or enquiry approach to learning that presents problems to be solved through trial and error. The aim of the discovery method is to foster a deeper understanding of the content through involvement with it.
VI) Problem solving
In this method the learner uses previously mastered skill to reach a resolution of a challenging problem. The learner must define the problem more clearly, perhaps state her hypothesis, examine data and regenerate a solution. Through this process the learner can be expected to arrive at a higher level of understanding of the phenomena under study.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 12:11

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