List the appropriate and inappropriate situations for using demonstrations as a form of learning


List the appropriate and inappropriate situations for using demonstrations as a form of learning



1. When time is not enough for all learners to do the activity
2. When learners need to do practical work.
3. When facilities are not enough for all learners.
4. When content is hard to grasp.
5. When equipment or materials are expensive or delicate.
6 When high degree of safety is required and learners cannot meet them on their on.


1. It cannot be used where there are no facilities.
2. It cannot be appropriate in a situation where some learners are disabled or handicapped.
3. Not appropriate for some subjects.
4. When learners are not well versed in the subject.
5. When facilities are too costly.
6. When the class is too large.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 12:13

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