List three aims of asking questions


List three aims of asking questions



i. To obtain feedback. For the teacher as well as the learners.
ii. To understand the learners. Asking questions can easily check the entry behavior, or present level of learning…
iii. To check on work done. Before a teacher starts his new lesson, he would like to know what has been done before that lesson. Also when some assignment is given to learners to do in class or at home and if the teacher wants to check quickly whether the work has been done or not, he can do that by asking the learners.
iv. To promote interest.
A change in activity will help to sustain interest and the use of questions is a deviation from routine lecturing which provides stimulus variation. Also by probing a teacher may lead his learners into further exploration of knowledge and thereby create some more interest in them.
v. To demonstrate difficulties.
By asking learners question the teacher may draw their attention towards some difficult points. This will make them think.
vi. To test comprehension.
During any teaching situation, either when the teacher has given a lecture or some instructions to carry out a certain project, it will be essential to know how far the learners have understood the content or followed the instructions. On the basis of the learners’ answers, their comprehension will be judged.
vii. To assess ability.
In activity lessons or group projects, the learners may have to carry out many activities which are not taught by the teacher. Say, a class is planning to go on a visit to a place
of educational interest; the learners will have to plan so many allied activities, like writing a letter for permission, traveling or walking a distance, preparing a questionnaire to be used for gathering information. This can be done only by knowing it from the learners themselves, and this can best be gathered by asking questions.
viii. To Develop Originality.
Most of the knowledge comes from the teacher. So, even in the situations where it is within the reach of learners, the teacher will tell them what he thinks is right. It means the learners accept all the facts given by teachers, and then form the habit of dependency. In order to have the creative ability, their own ways and means of improving their knowledge, the learners should be asked questions about their thinking on the new concept or new procedure, In case of some scientific phenomena, the teacher should question to know the learners line of thought. The learners may give some reason which the teacher might not have thought of. Thus, it seems that if a teacher is conscious, there are enough reasons to put questions to the learners.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 12:33

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