i. Tabletop – Role-playing usually incorporates set rule established in a book, dice or determinants, a storyteller, and a character sheet to determine outcomes. Think Dungeons and Dragons, White Wolf’s World of Darkness and Aeon-Trinity table-top games, GURPs, etc. it is also used in military strategies.
ii. LARP, or Live Action Role Play, is a hybrid of table role-playing, mixed with real time acting. In this type of role-play, individuals will interact within an established environment with a storyteller, narrators, and other characters; will usually base character creation on books; and will sometimes use dice or determinants for outcomes, and use props, and surroundings to set the stage.
iii. Online gaming refers to the growing MUDs (Multi User Dungeons, and all variations there-of, MUCKs, MUShs, MUDDs, MOOs, Diku, Mordor, and MajorMUDs).
iv. Freeform role-playing is a reference to online games that have no predetermined actions, and is completely run by players. People will freely type out actions, and use dice or determinants to figure outcomes. Chat room and PBEMs (Play by E-Mail) are considered free form RPGs.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 12:52
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